High Quality Education, Smaller Class Sizes, & Spiritual Development --
-- all wrapped up in one affordable tuition.
Why Christian Education?
In our ever evolving and fast-paced world, we are preparing our students to develop a love for learning and an unshakable faith. Partner with a school that teaches and upholds the values shared within your family and faith.
Your child’s school has over 1,000 hours per year to influence how they interact with others and develop their world view.
At Halifax Christian Academy we do not take our influence for granted! Choose to partner with HCA’s discipleship-driven education for your child’s development.
Elementary School
Our elementary classes are the core foundation of the successful education trajectory of our students. Every year builds upon the next and ensures that each student learns the fundamentals in faith, discipleship, education, and mental well-being.
Middle School
HCA Middle School offers students an opportunity to learn and grow in a Christian environment with nurturing teachers who not only teach but mentor students to be prepared for high school. Students develop leadership skills through hosting chapel, group work, and hands-on projects and presentations.
High School
Our high school is unique: focusing on the strong relationships built between teachers and peers made possible by our smaller class sizes and variety of course options available. We prepare students both academically and spiritually for their lives as adults, their future careers, and their academic pursuits.
What makes HCA Unique?
Smaller Classes
With smaller class sizes and teachers who find value in every student, we foster an atmosphere of mutual respect that enables healthy personal growth.
Every Student Unique
We identify individual challenges quickly and work to partner with your family. We believe that every student can learn with joy and success.
Discipleship Culture
We prioritize mentoring, small groups, Bible study, and chapel; but Christian Discipleship is not just a program -- it permeates everything we do.
Prayer is part of our everyday routine at HCA. From as young as primary, our students pray together, for one another, and for others in class, during chapel, and even out on the playground!
Tour the School
Many of our prospective parents agree thaat coming to our campus to tour the school helped in their decision to apply to HCA!
Come experience discipleship driven education firsthand.